This subject and subsequent posts has opened my eyes to how afflulence in my former congregation works:-
a) All the Elders were very conservative and home owners.
b) Eldership was like " a jolly boys club"
c) A " spiritual brother" living less affluantly would find the jump from " ministerial servant" to " Elder" would take longer.
d) I believe it would take a similar " conservative" outlook to really fit in to the "Elder circle"
Affordability and Golden Apple watches.
An additional point. If you live in an affluent area and you own your property you are a wealthy person. Many areas in London property goes up 15% a year. That is a lot of money. Now if you have a small mortgage on that property, and a salary, you have a lot of disposable income.
Now this is the interesting observation.
Most elders I noted didn't wear EXSPENSIVE watches nor did they drive FLASHEY cars. They did however I noted spend money, extending their property, adding conservatories, new kitchens, bathrooms, ect. And they took good holidays.
The interesting observation to me was how the congregation seemed to view extravegent and non extravegent expenditure. Personally when I was a young man I always resented being told by a non pioneering, property owning Elder to reach out and pioneer.
Why didn't they downgrade their property or go live in a bed sit and pioneer?
The Rebel.